Book Your Free Discovery Call

I Help Parents Make Simple Habit Changes that

Kick Start the Healing process and Manage

Their Families Oral Health


This FREE CALL Will Help You With:

  • Benefit #1 Knowing what to look for...
  • Benefit #2 Proper Tongue posture...
  • Benefit #3 Better sleep...

(All Calls Are Kept Private & Confidential)

"Health Starts with Your mouth and Nose....

Change your habits change your life!"

Who is Oral Health Coach Sheree Wertz

My name is Sheree Wertz and I am a registered dental hygienist, Oral Myofunctional therapist, educator/trainer and author.

I have worked in the dental field for over 30 years and still have a passion for dentistry.

As a child I had health issues and an unfortunate set of circumstances, which for me created poor oral health and poor self-esteem. Getting my teeth fixed changed my mindset and the way I felt about myself.

Cavities are still the number one preventable childhood disease.

I believe we can reduce that number through education and awareness to how your oral health is connected to your overall health.

(All Calls Are Kept Private & Confidential)

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